
hello friends,
wow is that it? the summer is slipping away quickly - what a crazy summer it has been, and crazy temperatures to match.
this next few days are going to be i n s a n e - I can't believe starting after labour day both kids won't be at home during the day - wow, what would I do with myself.

the countdown begins before mom and dad go back home and I won't have my funny compradres with me (they talk about the most ridiculous things, like which outfit they like on lady gaga - seriously?) I enjoyed having them here for the summer and I will miss them both terribly. I don't know if I mentioned it but my parents have been divorced for 20 years and it's great to see them as old friends putting their differences aside to help me out. I feel that they're both proud and happy with what I'm doing in my life and it was really great to share that with them.

lliam has been at the cottage for a few days and will be there for the rest of the month and we were chatting with j's mom about how he has an entrepreneur spirit, apparently lliam and his cousin collected rocks from the beach and displayed them on the picnic table and was selling them to friends, neighbours and relatives - hilarious!

I can never tire of j's mobiles and he was sweet to make me a little stand for my leather bracelets, because of fit and sizing I decided to only have them in the b&m shop. my mom's favourite thing to sew is the small pouches - she says they're quick to make and so satisfying, will have to cut and print more before she leaves.
enjoy the start to your week!


  1. What a touching post on a Monday morning.
    I'm sorry summer is coming to an end, and that both the kids will go to school soon (next week here too), and that both your parents will have to leave too. They have been so helpful to you & I'm happy for you that both of them could come.
    Sending you all my love my friend. Take care oxox

  2. That mobile is beautiful! I love the red tones of the wood.

  3. You have a very special family!

    Emma started school last week and Chloé goes back on Thursday. I'm looking forward to calmer days and more painting time.

  4. your parents are sweet, glad I met them before they left. piper is going to school already? September will feel so quiet in comparison to summer.

    I love the shots in this post. xoxo

    1. thanks celine
      she's going to pre-school
      time sure flies fast, it makes my heart ache.


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