
here is a close up of one of Lizz Aston's (sorry she doesn't have a website yet) pieces from the Artist Project show. It's layers of paper that has been printed in a burn out technique - is a technique I've always been interested in, but the toxicity has made me avoid it - has anyone tried this and how do you use it. Also when I was doing Dorie's lace making workshop - lizz brought in this treasure trove of a book - I would love to get my hands on it - she got it at a garage sale.


  1. I have seen that book a gazillion times at the thrift stores. Of course now that I have said that I may never see it again but if I do I will get you a copy.
    I have another book, very vintage that I used when I attempted needle lace. I will bring it to show you on my next visit.
    By the way what sort of trade did you have in mind.
    I am curious so drop me a line.

  2. Wow, that's a striking piece shown in the first photo.
    Just a suggestion - I have found several books on www.abebooks.com that I struggled to find (and afford) elsewhere.

  3. i have that book, too. i thrifted it on tour. boy oh boy does it have every single things in it. i will look out for any other copies while i roam.

  4. thanks everyone - I will try abe and keep hunting the thrift stores.


  5. I've been reading your blog for the past few months and absolutely love love love it, but have yet to leave a comment. This is my all time favorite book. It is my bible. It taught me to better knit and crochet, embroider, tatt, quilt, ect. It's a fairly popular book and you can get it here, on amazon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00162IFN0/ref=sr_1_olp_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1268430762&sr=8-1&condition=used

  6. Absolutely love your blog, Anyway do you still want the book? I own it for a very time but never use it. If you think it'll be useful to your work. I'll be willing to give it to you. Please contact me.: phai_cotton@hotmail.com



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