
I have such a unique workspace - it's a space that I spend most of my time in, we have a storefront that has the studio in the back (j's is in the basement) and we live upstairs.  it's natural that you have the kids playing and working around us or with us and you will also see my other family members spending time in the space lending a hand.  it's a very co-operative space with us working together as well as being a multi-functioning space.  our business is growing and we are slowly outgrowing the space, especially with help from my mom and christina we are in need to expand the space, but until that happens one of the things that needs attention in my workspace is trying to find a home for all the different materials and items we use on a daily basis and to have designated stations to do things like packaging orders, printing fabric and cutting.  I think having an organized space makes it easy and more efficient on a daily basis.

in the next few days we are going to visit the interior design show which runs january 24-27 to get inspired work space design ideas. - if you have a chance you should check it out.


  1. look how little p and l were in that photograph. I can't wait to see lili making art

  2. what a great space you have, and how awesome for you to have family all around and everything in one place. someday i plan to visit your little shop. c.

  3. I'm shooting at IDS for Design Lines on Friday and Saturday! I'll keep my eyes peeled for you and John, Arounna! :)


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