
some new things for the ooak show, the stones pattern in a day bag and more small leather wallet, made with vegetable tanned leather - hand cut and hand sewn.

our intern malcolm is assisting j setting up our booth today, while my mom and I work hard sewing.  both kids are sick plus j and I am keeping my distance and popping cold fx pills.


  1. ah yuck, sorry L & P are sick, I hope they'll feel better soon !
    what an experience it will be for Malcolm to help J for the booth !

  2. sorry to hear l and p are sick. I do hope no one else in the family comes down with it. With all the public you both deal with you really should consider getting flu shots.

  3. Beautiful bag! I'm excited to receive my windows bag in the mail (can't wait). Isn't it terrifying when you have some place to be and your kids have caught a cold? Trying to stay away from them is impossible!

  4. Hope Ll + P fell better. The stones bag is just gorgeous!


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