
some things you might not know about me - my dad has worked for Knoll for almost 30 years - one of my favourite furniture designers is Florence Knoll - she went to Cranbrook Academy of Art - in 1996 was accepted to attend Cranbrook's ceramic department. It was due to not being able to raise enough funds that I didn't attend. I sometimes wonder what my work would of been like if I did go, but I am happy with the route I did take.


  1. sounds like me a few years ago. i got accepted at a university in paris but couldn't because of $$$. i still wonder what my life would be right now if i did go and am still trying to come to terms with it!

  2. small world, I'm from MI and went to Eastern Michigan Univ. but went to Cranbrook often for seminars, student events, etc...I too wanted to go there, but couldn't because of funds not availble...EMU was a great 2nd choice, I had a great education there. Love your blog, I just don't comment often....

  3. That expains some of your great taste. I wonder about the craft ed. route not taken as well.


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