
Bolek i Lolek

Lliam is watching old Polish cartoons from the 60's discovered by our friend Zofia from her childhood. I am watching them and finding the background watercolours so beautiful. They are cartoons that are universal relying on facial/body expressions and very fun music alongside. They are available on DVD and even if you don't have a little one - they are a must to see to enjoy and be inspired.


editions - coming soon!

I am very excited about this project. John and I will be featuring limited edition items for the web only. I began making multiples(limited editions) a couple of years ago as a response to the production work I was currently making. I wanted to make items that were not one of a kind (like some of my sculptural work) but were in small limited editions. The items above are not for sale - they are just a sample of what kind of things will be available - for example: wearable items, bookworks, prints, sculptural pieces and mixed media objects. Some of the editions will be very small so visit often and I hope you will come back to see what will be available. Please email us if you want to be notified when new items are listed.


new bags in the works

I am in the midst of making new bags for the website. I really like this print. I didn't want the zigzag design to be to clean cut so I tried to make the lines imperfect. I really like the little bit of orange on the edge. I put the orange there, because I messed up on the printing - sometimes things work out that way. The grey linen is a heavy weight with very nice texture. This bag is a good medium bag to wear on your shoulder.


work in progress

I am busy working on this piece for a group OCAD faculty show at The Ontario Crafts Council Gallery later this month. It is made out of industrial white felt that I bought at my favorite fabric store in Sanfrancisco - Britex. I will post a picture of the finished installation at a later date. The summer is almost over - how time flies.


were back

boy! is it ever humid and gross in the city today. The cottage was relaxing and fun. It's nice to do some loafing. Above is the beginning of John's many projects. We bought 5 lovely Danish chair frames for $12 each. They needed a little tlc and voila! John did such a great job. We found out that the chairs were made by J.L. Moller and the chairs with the seats done are worth $700 -if they were Wegner chairs they would probably be $1200 each. John corded two chairs at the cottage and will try to do the rest soon. I thought he did such a good job considering he's never done it before.