
hello folks,
this weekend is major crunch time, you know like the night before a big exam - your up cramming all the info in your head.  it's going to be hectic.  I thought I would begin my weekend countdown to the big craft show by visiting an RMT and I chose the al and malka artist centre near our place, after my visit I knew that I was letting my body get used and not do enough rehabilitation - so I think it's the beginning of being on the right track on being physically healthy and I'm happy about that.  we also had a visit from our architects and structural engineer and it looks like the build of the extension will begin in mid to late may.  I can't begin to tell you how excited I am, it's going to be hard living and working through the renovation, but j and I are veterans.

I hope that you can come next week to the spring craft show - I will have lots of new work for sale and for those of you who can't come I will have them online shortly.  I also wanted to thank all of you who purchased the smock aprons the past few days, they've been selling really well and I think there's only one oatmeal style left.

so to end the week I wanted to do a  G I V E A W A Y - you will get to choose one pouch design and one of the new small round storage. to enter just click the triangle icon below this post and leave a comment -  I hope you have a great weekend & I will announce the winner on monday.

p.s. I also included a peek of the new crosses pattern printed and there will be new bags to show you next week with this pattern.  see you monday!



  1. How do we enter the giveaway? Do we just leave a comment?

    1. yes - I just added that par oops :-)

    2. Just in case my question didn't count as a comment ;-) I'd like to say how much I love your shop and I hope to visit it in person someday.

  2. Good luck with all the projects, you are hard working and deserve the best. All your work is beautiful and perfectly made. Love the new print!

  3. The new design is amazing! love it.

  4. I'd love to enter the giveaway! I love your products!

  5. I love your new crosses design, and that rust stripey pouch! Looking forward to living vicariously through your renovations too! All the best for the cramming weekend S:)

  6. All the best in your preparations and I will see you next week at the OOAK

  7. You make simple look so very beautiful. I look forward to all of your news and new projects!

  8. Congratulations on your expansion!
    I love everything you do-
    The new crosses pattern is perfect.

  9. good luck with all your projects...I never win but couldn't help entering the giveway : such pretty things!

  10. I'd love to win!! Thanks for the chance.

  11. Your designs are incredible - so free and colorful, with excellent shape! I hope you continue to flourish. I am honored to be apart of your giveaway! Hope the weekend show goes well! Thanks : )

  12. Love your pouches and the new storage. Congrats on the extension too, how exciting! :D

  13. would love to win, obsessed with your stuff!

  14. Huge fan of your work, been stalking your blog again of late. :) winning a pouch here would be extra lovely.

  15. I would love to win. I adore your designs :) sooo pretty

  16. Love your new cross pattern! Hope to win! I follow you and crowflora on IG and it is such great eye candy. Wish I didn't live so far away in Connecticut or I would for surly visit!

  17. Ohmigoodness. I can only imagine that you must be going over a million things in your head before the big show and renos! I'm sure you will have an amazing time at the OOAK show. Don't sell out on the first day ! :)

  18. See you at the show Arounna! :-) Devorah

  19. See you next week at the show Arounna! :-) Devorah

  20. Good luck with the preparations for the show. I think that you're designs are smashing! May I be entered for the giveaway please? Thank you!

  21. Love the newest stuff! I'm obsessed with all your things!

  22. your new design is lovely!
    Many greatings!

  23. Love your new print. As always, it's beautiful!

  24. Thanks for the opportunity!

    P.S. Will you be featuring any new tote bags with designs other than the triangle (which is super cute, by the way)? I was sort of eyeing the raindrops print, but wish it was offered in the tote style.

  25. I admire your designs and creativity! Hoping to purchase one of your totes next month (I gave up shopping for Lent). Winning a giveaway isn't technically shopping, right?

  26. Hi Arounna, I like your new crosses design very much. It looks so nice on the basket.
    I would love to enter your giveaway.
    All the best for your weekend and have fun at the show next week!

  27. Congrats with all the sales! :)
    Hope you have a lot more at the fair! Good luck!

  28. I love your new crosses design! In fact all the designs. Wish I lived a bit closer so I could come and look! I enjoy your pictures on Pinterest for the moment.
    Godd luck!

  29. All your designs are soo good and I love the new crosses. I enjoy your pictures at Instagram an wich I was living a bit closer.
    Good Luck!

  30. You are an inspiration, keep on inspiring!

  31. Love your old, and new designs and I would love to participate in your give-away. Good luck with all the preparations!

  32. i'm amazed by the new print - so subtle and appealing. very well done!

  33. Good luck with the show and thanks for the giveaway!

  34. I love your handiwork and would love to win. I love the triangles pattern, so my choice for borh items wold be that :)

  35. The crosses pattern is absolutely beautiful and uniquely yours - always a delight to see your new designs!

  36. Pick me, pick me!!! :-P

    Wish you a nice weekend too, continue with your great work. Good luck in the spring craft show (I wish Germany wasn´t that far away from Canada so I could pop in and say hi!)
    By the way: I like your new crosses design very much!

  37. Love that new print Arounna! Happy Weekend!
    Diana x

  38. Beautiful new pattern! Good luck this week. My mom was an art show veteran when I was in high school and college, and I know what the week before is like. :) Don't forget to sleep!

  39. i love your work! thanks for the giveaway :)

  40. ohh! enter me, my crochet hooks are in need of a small round storage vessel. swooning over the new cross print by the way!

  41. Thank you for this awesome giveaway, Arounna !
    Sending you my most positive vibes for the days ahead !
    big hugs oxox

  42. I love this new design and in my favorite color too ^^
    For the new week i hope everything goes fine.
    Best Regards <3

  43. bookhou prints always take my breath away! oh how I love thee!

  44. I love everything you create!
    Good weekend!!

  45. Good luck with your busy week. As always, love your designs and am wanting one of your smock aprons!

  46. I love your items-so beautiful!

  47. All of your projects are amazing! I'd really love to enter the giveaway! All the best! Elfi!

  48. I've been following your blog for a while and every time I see a new post I feel so curious to see what's new. I'm too far to go to the craft show :-), but hope that that will a success! I do love your work. All the best!

  49. It's spring, time for renovation :) Have a great weekend dear Arounna.

  50. Your new design is beautiful. Good luck this weekend xx

  51. Love your work!! I am always delighted to read your new blog posts. Best of luck with your upcoming show.

  52. Love the new crosses print. And can't wait to see the bags!!

  53. I'm too far away for a "on person visit" but thankfully to the technology we can see your delightful stamps... good luck on the craft show... will look forward for the new patterns... yayy!

  54. Spoilt for choice! Oh how I wish I could zip across the ocean to visit you at the spring craft show! Good luck!

  55. Aha, a BOOKHOU giveaway, can't miss it! Love your work sooo much.. Thanks for the opportunity.

  56. You always come up with lucious designs! I think i'm in love... :)

  57. I really love your work, everything is just beautiful and lovely!

  58. I love the new small round storage and the new crosses design.

  59. Love the new pattern! and good luck for the craft show, too far away for a "on person visit", but is great to see your works on line... :)

  60. The new small round storage and new crosses design are amazing!

  61. I'll see you at thr OOAK show next week!

  62. Count me in I get comments everyday about my Triangle Day Bag! I live in Outback Queensland Australia and my mag looks like it was made to fit in here amongst the Heat and red Earth. I would love to have something more from the beautiful Bookhou Store.

  63. I've been inspired to make my own prints! But bookhou does it so much better! I'd love to have an authentic pouch of my own!!

  64. Hello x I so wish you were around my corner!
    Take care x Nicola x

  65. Hello x I so wish you were around my corner of the world xx
    Take care xxx

  66. if things get too rough during the renovation you know you are always welcome to escape north of the city. We have plenty of room here for you all. I love the white cross print very much.

  67. Arounna I'm so glad you are taking care of yourself. Enjoy preparing for the show. It's the journey that counts too! The quality of your arts is unsurpassed. They are extremely well made. I am smitten with the red pouch and the new crosses design. I can't wait for them to be online. I will be checking instagram from way too far away from you to see how it is going. Great no doubt! Have fun!

  68. Love your new pattern design! The OOAK Show will be amazing! Food luck with everything, if I get a chance to come by I will definitely come and say hello. My little pouch is lonely and needs a friend!
    :-) awesome giveaway :-) thanks Arouna .x

  69. Simple and most elegant. Would love to have one of those prints. All the very best in your preparations.

    Take care,
    Neelu (contact_neelu@yahoo.co.in)

  70. I love the new print!

  71. You work so hard, making it even more important to take care of yourself. Good luck with all the preparations, I wish I could come to the craft show!

  72. I like all of the pouches together, but I am always partial to red. Beautiful new designs!

  73. I really love your work! It's good to hear that things are going so well :) All the best, and keep up with the RMT! You deserve it.

  74. Your work is so beautiful. Inspiring!

  75. Absolutely love, love, love your products!!

  76. Lovely new work Arouna. All the best for the hectic time ahead. I particularly love the crosses in white!

  77. i just discovered your shop yesterday and i'm totally in love. i think about buying one of those beautiful tote bags (by the way: do you offer world wide shipping?)

    greetings from berlin, germany!


  78. beautiful. the new cross design is lovely, too. delight!

  79. I cannot even try to explain, how much I love the designs and products in your shop! I absolutely love them and would love to join the giveaway.
    All the best in your future projects!

  80. I love your pouches and little holders. Count me in!AriadnefromGreece!

  81. Beautiful! I love all of your designs!

  82. Good luck at the show! I love your work, every time I wear the scarf I bought from your shop I receive compliments!

  83. love all your patterns :-)

  84. Hope you make it through ooak. :)

  85. Hope you make it through ooak! :)

  86. Good luck prepping for the craft show---I hope it goes really well! And the new pattern looks great. I think it will look beautiful on the bags.

  87. Your new design is BEAUTIFUL and I also love that you've added some of the art from the 2013 calendar to the top of this page. Best of luck at OOAK!

  88. You make such lovely things!

  89. Good luck with the show! I am so astounded by how productive and creative you are. I love seeing all the cool work you have been doing! Cheers!!

  90. Wow, another great giveaway! Please consider this as my entry :) And have a great weekend - you seem like an awesome planner as well as maker so I'm sure it'll all go swimmingly!

    Kellee (www.kellerich.com)

  91. Really glad you're taking steps to look after yourself, so important and yet so easy to put off. I love the new crosses print, especially in white! Good luck with your crazy weekend.

  92. Luuuuv the crosses and the triangle prints! Hope the show goes well! :)

  93. I love the new design! It is so beautiful to me to see small business at work.

  94. Yes I'm feel lucky today!! Love new design!

  95. I love the new design. It is so beautiful to see small business at work!

  96. Your work is amazing - simple & beautiful. Best of luck with your renos!

  97. I'm a big fan of your work and looking forward to seeing it at the OOAK Show! Hop you have a productive weekend!

  98. Your work is all so beautiful! I love everything :)

  99. Always such beautiful things. Love the tiny crosses. Thanks for the giveaway.

  100. Love your fabrics and I'd love to have one of those little pouches and containers! Thanks for the opportunity. Don't work too hard this weekend.

  101. Thanks for the chance and the new design is great!

  102. Good luck with your beautiful work! Your products and prints are amazing!

  103. I'm trying again. Last one didn't 'take.' I sure do admire the courage to live through a renovation and keep on working in the same place. Wishing it all goes really smoothly.

  104. You make such beautiful things!

  105. I love your fabrics - I look forward to picking up my blue apron today!!

  106. What a lovely and generous giveaway!

  107. Giveaway are fun. Arounna, I'll see you at OOAK next week: will drop by on Wednesday evening. B

  108. I love your prints. It reminds me Japanese fabric.

  109. I want all of my potted plants to live in the round storage containers. love how they all go together and the pouches are wonderful and sturdy. I have one that's been floating around in my purse for quite some time now.

  110. love it all! thanks, nina

  111. Thank you for a chance at your generous giveaway. Your products are fab.

  112. Hello! my name is Cristina and I`m a bookhou portuguese fan,so...I d`love to win your giveway just because your pieces are beatiful!! have a nice weekend!

  113. While I´m eagerly awaiting my triangle zip-tote, what would be better than to win one (or actually two) of your beautiful new products?
    All the best with all your projects and have a lovely weekend! Teresa

  114. I'm a new fan - just bought my first bag and can't wait to buy another at the one of a kind show! Beautiful new cross print too! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway! :)

  115. love the new crosses pattern

  116. I love all your designs. I have several of these items displayed prominently in my house!

  117. your work-family balance and, of course, your beautiful designs are such an inspiration to me!

  118. How wonderful that you were able to take a moment to relax and let your muscles rejuvenate! The new print is so fun! I cannot wait to see it at the OOAK. We have been counting down the days since the November show! Have a wonderful weekend Arounna!

  119. I would love a matching zipper purse wih my bag;-)
    Love your work!!!

  120. So happy to hear you finally got in to get a treatment - your body deserved it after all the shows you've been prepping for! THe new pattern looks amazing! Have a great weekend Arounna!

  121. Such beautiful work that you do! This is really a lovely giveaway.....will keep my fingers crossed!

  122. The new pattern looks lovely! Have a great weekend!

  123. Thank you for the chance!

  124. Love the new patterns! Amazing as always!

  125. love your work! best of luck with the show. wish i was in the area to go!

  126. I love all your designs. Very inspiring!

  127. Love the crosses pattern!

  128. I love your stuff! Can't wait for the fabric swatches to become available online (Since I'm in the States!). I have so amy ideas for projects to use them with.

  129. Love your work! Wished I could visit your store one day but it's so far away!
    Anyway, was really happy to see one of your pouches carried by a silkscreen workshop participant recently...so beautiful! Here's to more success!

  130. i hope you have a fantastic weekend! we are expecting up to 15 inches of snow, so we'll be hunkered down. xoxo

  131. Lovely! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  132. You know how much I love all you do - can't wait to see the expansion start, and, of course, its completion - so exciting! Wishing you a wonderful show. Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  133. Your work is always so beautiful! I love it all!

  134. Thank you! I, like everyone else, love your work.

  135. Your work and designs are wonderful! Good luck on a successful renovation!

  136. thanks, arounna! i love seeing your new designs : )

  137. Looking forward to seeing you at OOAK! And the new print is gorgeous. :)

  138. Thank you very much for the chance.I love all your work!

  139. Love Bookhou! Hope to see you at OOAK next week!

  140. Very lovely work. Thanks for the chance to win some of it.

  141. wonderful! your designs are so beautiful.

  142. I love my new blue smock/apron. I've already worn it twice since I saw you on Wednesday.
    Many thanks,Joan

  143. I have shared your blog and shop with many friends - it is a lovely place as are you and your family.

  144. I'm looking forward to visiting your store when I next make it out to Toronto (in May!)

  145. Good luck with the upcoming show! The new design is beautiful!

  146. Hi Arounna, I'll gove another shot to win one of your designs...! Thanks!

  147. Happy Springtime.... we are expecting snow here in Colorado... but, we want Springtime!! Tail wags at the show. ~moose

  148. Always inspired by your designs and aesthetic. Thank you!

  149. Cool. Can't wait to stop by your booth at OOAK!

  150. Those pieces are so beautiful! I love the small storage bins, perfect for a linen closet! I've been coveting your work for a while now. :)

  151. Good luck with the show and thank you ever so much for the generous giveaway, I sure wish I could visit you either in the shop or in a craft show someday, but for now I'll just have to make do with your wonderful pouches & calendar :)

  152. I love the new print and can't wait for the show!

  153. love all your designs. can't wait to see what's next!

  154. Love it! All your designs are beautiful!

  155. I love the new print and every time you talk about this show you make me wish I lived closer!

  156. This new cross design is gorgeous! My favourite so far :9
    I wish you good luck for the show at the weekend!

  157. I love everything you make. I have a large pouch and just got the rain tote a couple weeks ago. I would like one of everything please. And I especially love that you're Canadian! Go Canada.

  158. I am loving the new cross design. Thanks for a chance to win one of your beautiful pieces.

  159. Love the new designs! Good luck on your renovation and all the hard work ahead!

  160. Love your designs, would love to visit your store one day!

  161. Love what you are doing. You have a big fan in the LAB!

  162. Love the new print. I think of starry wishes and kisses.
    You are amzing.

  163. Love everything you do. Best of luck with your show!

  164. Excited to see your new stuff!

  165. Love the new storage buckets! Would be perfect decor to complement a little Spring cleaning/organizing! ;)

  166. I can't even describe how excited I felt when you answered my question on international readers joining this giveaway on Instagram. I am such a fan of your work and aesthetic.

    Congratulations on the new designs, wishes of lots of happy moments at the craft show, and cheering you on your healthy endeavors. :)

  167. Ooh, I love the new design! would you consider making your loop scarves with It?

  168. I finally saw your work in person this past weekend on the shoulder of a well heeled friend and I'm hooked! <3

  169. Hello, I'd love to win the black and white triangle pouch! :-)

  170. My Spring bag shopping on your site happening very soon....

  171. Shopping on your website for my new spring bag happening in 3...2..1..

  172. Love the new pattern - I know they're crosses, but they remind me of airplanes!

  173. Oh wow! A zippy pouch and a little storage container, you're too kind! They will surely help me jump into Spring Cleaning in my ol' studio, I hope I win! And of course, they would pair nicely with my triangle tote ;) Keep up the good work, Arounna!

  174. That new pattern is lovely! Thank you for the chance to win :)


  175. Arounna, what can i say besides that I love averything you make...

  176. Love the new pattern! Good luck with the show!

  177. Anything from your creations would be wonderful to have. :)

  178. Y puede ser en español? eres genial.

  179. I hope you have a great show next week. I so wish I could come in person!

  180. wish you also a nice weekend!
    it's all really nice!

  181. Yes please!! Love your shop and would love to win :)

  182. I follow your blog from Sydney & have a bag through etsy, but will be in Toronto this May - can't wait to comes and see the lovely things in person! <3

  183. LOOOOOOOVE the new pattern and the new small round storage !

  184. Oh, I just love your little buckets!!! What is it about pretty storage that is irresistable??

  185. Really wonderful giveaway. Good luck with the upcoming craft shows.

  186. Your print work is amazing. Gorgeous gorgeous. I hope you begin to feel at your physical best again soon. Thanks for the giveaway!

  187. Oooo I would really love one of those totes for the new baby's room. Thanks for your generosity and have a great week at the show!


  188. Amazing giveaway as always, you are so generous! Good luck at the show!

  189. Your work is so inspiring! Thank you for generosity and good luck at the show!

  190. I love your designs, I've seen quite a few walking around Denver :).

  191. I love this new " little crosses" pattern. I won't have time to ge the the OOAK next week ( I visit my parents at Easter) but I hope to come by the store in a few weeks. I really want something with the waves pattern on it. And the crosses.


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