
hi everyone - this is my latest bag - a satchel that sits nicely on the hip. If you would like this bag a long with a set of bird napkins and a little pouch - leave me a comment before 10pm on sunday and I will announce a winner on monday.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend - what will you be up to?
(I will be celebrating my b-day)


  1. Love the bag - looks like a good size for about-town. Also, saw that you got mentioned on apartment therapy! Props!

    Alison, anxiously awaiting course dates for fall letterpress workshops....

  2. happy birthday! hope you have a lovely one! the bag, pouch and napkins are inspiring and amazing! thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi, I just discovered your blog today via Poppytalk and instantly added you to my Bloglovin account nad are now enjoing myself looking through the archives. Absolutly lovely blog..and lovely bag!

    I will be preparing for a stall at a handmade market here in Oslo, Norway on Sunday. But unfortunally I had to turn in my sewing machine for repairs this week so I have been handsewing the last couple of days. Very different and superfun!

    Wish you a good weekend and happy b-day!

  4. Love the bags, love the patterns you come up with. Happy Birthday! I'll be spending my weekend finishing up wedding stuff-I'm getting married in 2 weeks.

  5. Happy Birthday!

    I'll be watching soccer with friends I haven't seen in a few months :)


  6. Hello, I too just discovered your site via poppytalk! This weekend is filled with friends of the moving kind, marrying kind and visiting kind. The napkin, bag and purse would suite my kind!

  7. Happy Birthday, I hope you enjoy it!

    How thoughtful to offer a giveaway right before your big day. Love all the patterns and color combinations you come up with. :)

    This weekend starts the beginning of a vacation week for me, which will be spent on long-overdue furniture projects and sprucing up our home in general (we sort of skipped the spring cleaning bit ...).

  8. Happy birthday! The bag is lovely. I'm spending my weekend hiking with my little boys and trying to stay warm in our frigid Bay Area summer.

  9. Happy Birthday! This Monday I'll be saying goodbye to a kitten I've been fostering. He's going to a lovely home, but it's hard not to get attached - so it'll be a bittersweet day for me

  10. Beautiful bag! Looks like it holds a lot of stuff without suffering from giant purse syndrome, where you lose everything in there :)

    Sadly I'll be spending my weekend packing and moving--hopefully it won't be too much of a scorcher!

  11. I'm a person who's hardly saying "gimme gimme". But what if your bag screamed "win me win me"? (Maybe I'm mad, but I think it had done so...) You and your husband are doing great work. Have a happy birthday, Arounna! tamara

  12. I love your blog! Stunning bag but love the napkin, think i'll frame it!

  13. it is your birthday this weekend?!? it was just mine this past wednesday! we are both june babies!!
    i love the patterns on all the things here!!
    happy birthday!!

  14. Awww!! That is THE perfect bag for summer! I think I will be painting more fences this weekend. and maybe a couple of garage sales!

  15. What a great bag.
    So you (and family) will be at my house for you're dinner birthday!
    What kind of cake would you like?

  16. I would love this bag, bird napkins and little pouch! Have a great weekend!

  17. Have a very nice birthday WE!
    I would love to win this bag, pouch and napkins to show them off during my holidays :)...
    Keep up the good work!!! I find your projects inspiring !


  18. I love the napkins and the bag/satchel. Super cute and perfect for concerts/picnics outdoors.

    My husband and I are going hiking on Saturday and I'm planning on swimming in Lake Michigan on Sunday (brrrr).

    P.S. Happy Birthday!

  19. Happy birthday! I'd love to get the cute bag, napkins, and pouch!

  20. Those are such lovely items! I'm keeping my fingers crossed : )

    This weekend I'm sneaking away to Ottawa (to avoid the G20). Hope you have a great bday weekend!

  21. Have a lovely birthday!
    This little package of goodness is adorable. :) R

  22. This is a lovely giveaway indeed. I adore it all!
    I'll be mucking about in the woods trying to spend as much time outside as I can this weekend.
    Wishing you a brilliant Birthday!

  23. This bag is great! Simple design, but the graphic really brings the character to the bag. I'm also in love with the pouch. Perfect for jewelry on the go. I would love to get this.

    Tomorrow I will be strawberry picking with my son at this great new family farm I found down the street. We went today and have already ate all the strawberries that we picked! I got some wonderful organic zucchini and potatoes, those will be dinner for tonight or Saturday. Then I will be working at night and Sunday. :( Retail never sleeps. Happy Birthday!!!

  24. Love the napkins, they're so beautiful!

    I'll be watching a lot of soccer and reading a wonderful book: Drown by Junot Díaz.

    Happy Birthday! :)

  25. What beautiful things! And a beautiful blog, too. So happy to find it.

    We'll be seeing old friends after ages and ages this weekend. So excited. Happy birthday to you!

  26. Yes please! I love the bag, and those napkins are beautiful too! Thank you!

  27. Oh, my goodness...love everything you do.
    Happy Happy Birthday!
    Hope your birthday is magical.

    love love,
    Fritzi Marie

  28. Oh, I would totally love all of that! The graphic on the bag is really nice.

  29. awesome satchel! hope you have a fantastic birthday!

  30. wow these are beautiful! what an awesome giveaway!

  31. I love all three peices! Very inspiring.
    Have a happy birthday!

  32. What a cool bag! By the way.. I can't wait to do your lamp diy project, it looks awesome! Thanks!

  33. These are beautiful! I love black, white, and red--my favorite colors!

    And I would be honored to win!

  34. Just discovered your blog via Poppytalk and it is gorgeous! You are so very talented.

  35. wow! these are so beautiful! I am always admiring your work that you post about! I have a thing for bags and will squeal with delight if I win! Keep up the beautiful work!!!

  36. beautiful bag, napkin and pouch!!

  37. Beautiful work!
    Enjoy your weekend and happy birthday!

    if i win i'll have a great Monday :)

  38. oh,great blog and a lovely giveaway!
    happy birthday,enjoy the day.the sun is shining in my window now.maybe I have a little bit luck... :)


  39. I've been looking through your site and you're so creative. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I'm hoping to give birth to my little pumpkin this weekend whose already 4 days overdue.

  40. I love this bag and I could use some new napkins! Thanks!

  41. It's a busy weekend! Volunteering and going to a ballgame on Saturday, and helping out with the Pride Fair in SF on Sunday!

  42. Happy Birthday! So glad you're contributing to poppytalk these days!

  43. Four words: I love this bag.

  44. Everything you make is so tasteful! Keep it up.

  45. happy birthday!

    and I will be sewing plushies through the weekend and watching the world cup

  46. Happy birthday! Love the bag, love all of your wonderful inspiration! Thank you!

  47. Oh! I love it. Makes my heart happy :)

  48. Oh my! The perfect tote bag i've been looking for!

  49. So gorgeous, the bag, the napkins and pouch! I'm wishing you a happy birthday weekend - our weekend is filled with birthday party activities too...

  50. super cute! and happy birthday!

  51. Have a great weekend.. I celebrated my birthday last weekend and for the rest of the month, I will be celebrating the rest of the families birthdays. Guess in our family, the weather started to get colder around September/October and them bam, baby boom in June. TMI...I tend to babble. I would love this bag!!

  52. Cute bags and adorable napkins!!
    Garage Sales tomorrow and Ray's baseball game Sunday, Fun Fun!!

    Happy Birthday!

  53. love your stuff and your blog!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY weekend, hope you have a wonderful time.
    I will be watching the world cup and making some new things for the etsy i'm setting up.

  54. hope your birthday is as lovely as your bag and work are!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Such lovely items! Happy birthday!

  56. Gorgeous bag! I love it.

    As for my weekend, I'm taking a class in preserving foods - canning, freezing, etc. I can't wait!

    And, hope you have a most pleasant birthday!

  57. beautiful! thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Love it!!!
    There will be lots of soccer watching at our casa this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful bithday Arounna! BIG hug!

  59. Joyeux anniversaire alors
    Everything is beautiful

  60. Lovely and Happy Happy Birthday!!!

  61. Beautiful and have a HAPPY BDAY!

  62. What a beautiful trio of goodies and what a lovely blog! I'm so happy to have found it. Enjoy the weekend and your birthday.

  63. this bag looks like something my rooommate would wear, and she just celebrated a birthday as well! have a good one.

  64. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely weekend. I'll be helping out with a garage sale and babysitting all weekend. Hopefully I'll get rid of some of my junk. :)

    I love the bag. It would be perfect for visiting the farmers market.

  65. my laptop is in dire need of a new means of transportation, and would love to move in to this stylish little satchel! so beautiful!


  66. happy birthday! hope it is a good one!
    going to my friend's birthday party this weekend. birthdays all around!

  67. ooooh, I would LOVE to win that!

  68. happy birthday arounna! I have been meaning to come by the store -will wait until things settle down after the G20!

  69. oOoh. the bag is oh so pretty...

  70. Je l'aime bookhou bookhou!

  71. hope your weekend is great! huge fan of this bag and the napkins :) gorgeous...

  72. Very cute new bag! And hope you're having a great birthday weekend!

  73. Great selection for a lucky person. Happy Birthday, Arounna!

  74. These are so lovely. And it's lovely to have found you.

  75. Have a happy happy day.
    What a lovely giveaway.
    Thank you for the chance.

  76. those are all lovely!

  77. Your work is so beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  78. the bag is so cute! thanks for the giveaway!

    happy birthday!

  79. Have a great birthday weekend arounna! What a awesome giveaway.

  80. Happy Birthday! People born in June are creative, generous, open, curious, enthusiastic and reliable... And so are all the poetic things you make! I just love Bookhou!

  81. my husband has been working out of town for several months and will be back for a visit! your things are beautiful - especially that bag!

  82. LOVE this satchel! So clean and stylish.
    This weekend I'm playing catch-up with the garden, planting squash and some groundcover. Oh, and maybe some sangria. :)

  83. A very Happy early Birthday! I am so glad to have found Poppy Talk and their wonderful shops.

  84. I love love love the bird napkins! Absolutely beautiful!
    thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

  85. Happy Birthday! Yes, I really really would like to take that pretty thing home to Alaska.

  86. I love the bag! This weekend I am going on a tour of the Russell Wright Design Center.

  87. i love the bag and i love cloth napkins! we use ours everyday. could always use more :)
    tamipearson at gmail dot com

  88. I just found out about your blog and it is delightful! Well done! Ah, the bag is a beauty!

  89. Love the illustrative pattern on the bag and nice choice of materials.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. your work is so beautiful! have a great birthday - i'll be en route to madagascar (probably involved in some sort of long layover in nairobi ;-)

  92. Your work is really beautiful!

  93. Oh wow, how gorgeous! Happy birthday to you. This weekend I'll be going to a baby shower -- I'm making strawberry cupcakes for it!

  94. I really liked the red!! Hope I can get lucky again and win this.
    WY :-)

  95. Ahhh! This would be a perfect camera bag!

  96. the bird napkins look absolutely adorable!

  97. Wonderful little collection!

  98. just beautiful arounna!!!! have a very happy birthday...so lovely of you to be gifting others on your special day.i love them all! i stitched up a funny little plush squirrel today...may have to make some more this weekend...that red of yours is just perfect...i ADORE everything you make.

  99. love this cute little bag. Im a big Bookhou fan

  100. I'll be machine quilting a sandwich, decimating invasive vines and poison ivy, rowing on a machine while watching a Netflix movie, and learning to play the cello. Have a wonderful birthday!

  101. Beautiful bag and napkins! I will be visiting the beach this weekend.

  102. Easy to see why this blog won a "Poppies"! Happy Birthday!

  103. Beautiful give-a-way! Keeping my fingers crossed. Happy Birthday! :)

  104. birds are my favorite. love your craftiness. happy birthday to you.

  105. i love this new bag! what a great giveaway -- love everything! happy birthday!

  106. what a generous giveaway! i love your textiles! -michelle

  107. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful collection!!

  108. Happy Birthday--may it be a wonderful year!

  109. I'm not one for entering many competitions, but I've fallen in love with that bag!

    Happy birthday!

  110. <3 it, as usual :)
    i will be celebrating my honey's birthday this weekend! cupcakes all around!

  111. so sweet. :) happy almost b-day!

  112. Love this bag! Happy birthday.


  113. happy birthday!

    this weekend, i'll be trying an anusara yoga class with a new friend and going to at arts and music fest in georgetown, a neat industrial neighborhood of seattle.

  114. oh my goodness! love this bag and love your blog! I'd love to win this.

  115. i love your bags, you have inspired me to go do some sewing!

  116. Gorgeous, gorgeous bag! Would love to win it.

    Happy early Birthday! :) Celebrate well!

    ~Melissa Kaye

  117. i love the bag. it's the perfect shape and size for everyday use.

    happy birthday!

  118. Congratulations Arounna! Not only with your birthday but with all your wonderful work you share with us on this blog.
    This weekend will be filled with a nice breakfast, finishing some packaging details and a market stall at the monthly Sunday Tanks market here in tropical Cairns.

  119. Awesome bag, would be great for carrying notebooks around my college campus on light class days, and the napkins would be fantastic for my new apartment!

  120. Oh yes! Me please!! Love your creations!

  121. How lovely, I should like this exceedingly.

  122. Glad to have found you through Poppytalk -- lovely images, beautiful kids. Happy birthday.

  123. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. I found you via poppytalk. Wonderful blog. I love the bag, it is so cute. The napkins too. All of your designs are so unique. This weekend I hope to get to the fabric store, gotta get more fabric for my stash!

  124. Happy B-day! Such a lovely bag!

  125. My sister and I explored a craft market today for inspiration (wisely leaving our money at home...) and then spent the afternoon mending and sewing and making old clothes into new things. Saw a letterpress stand and thought of you. A lovely family day at church coming up tomorrow. Have a special birthday Arounna!

  126. Happy Birthday for Monday! I will spend the weekend enjoying the sunshine on my balcony, catching up with my Google Reader and visiting some local art/craft markets with my sister and mother.

    This is a gorgeous bag! I love everything in your store.

    elissa at iinet dot net dot au

  127. I love this bag's graphic vibe...wonderful!
    I'll be having fun with a good friend who lives in India, having a picnic and a poetry show

  128. Yay! I love discovering new blogs! I really like your aestethic - graphicy and nature-y and simple: pretty great, really.

    Hope you have a happy birthday - thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway :)

  129. The bag is really, really lovely.

    And happy birthday! Mine is coming up next week. Hooray for summer birthdays.

  130. Happy Birthday! I am going to my little brother's birthday party on Saturday, and my brother-in-laws birthday party on Sunday!




  131. this is a really beautiful bag, it's so smart. I love it.

  132. lovely offering, as always! hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  133. oh i really like that print and the way you sewed it up is very nice. happy birthday!

  134. happy birthday to you.
    the bag is just gorgeous.

  135. Love the bag! Hope you have a great birthday, going to be celebrating my friend's birthday tonight with a mexican themed dinner party.

  136. So adorable! Happy Birthday!


  137. Love this bag! So pretty!

    This weekend we will be spending some family down time together. It's supposed to rain a lot!

  138. I found you via poppytalk and am thrilled to add your beautiful blog to my List of Things to Be Inspired By and Drool Over. Also, you've inspired me to haul out the fabric and the paper and the odds and ends and get to makin' stuff again. Thanks! And Happy Birthday!

  139. Birdy hapday :D

    Found your blog via poppytalk and must say your blog is very pretty! :D
    Cheers! :—D

  140. Lovely! Touchable and earthy, love the bird. Thanks for posting.

  141. I love the bag, napkins, and especially that little red pouch! Thanks so much for sharing them! I hope you have a very happy birthday!

    I'm going on a family trip to Alaska this weekend, I'm very excited!

  142. I love the DYI project and the beautiful give away. Happy Birthday...mine is next Thursday. Enjoy your day!

  143. Love the bag, Happy Birthday

  144. Great new design! I love the little pouch too.


  145. Oh so pretty!

    I'll be spending some time at hockey and scouring a local handmade market with my mum and sister e.

  146. love this bag! happy birthday! mine was yesterday so i will be celebrating too. thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  147. so beautiful! yes, please! :)

  148. I've been an admirer of your pattern designs for a while! Happy birthday. :)

  149. It's always nice to find fellow Canadian artisans! I'm in Montreal but will be moving to Toronto in a year and am looking forward to being part of the more active community of artisans and crafters there.
    Beautiful work! I especially love those little geometric 'anemones' drawings on the pouch. I was browsing your shop and admiring the steam bent table slab - brilliant!
    This weekend I will be visiting the beautiful Montreal botanical gardens with friends, I try to go at least once a month as there is always so much to see!
    Thanks for the opportunity and happy birthday!

  150. Happy Birthday! This is my first time visiting your blog via Poppytalk. Love your work. Look forward to following your blog now.

  151. Happy Birthday! It's my first time at your blog as well. Love your work.

  152. Hello Bookhou!

    Thank you for a chance at having one of your lovely creations. Happy birthday to you! At my house we are celebrating my partner's birthday too.

    Love your work!

  153. Happy Birthday at the weekend!
    This is a lovely giveaway - someone will be very pleased to receive these.

  154. hoping to win the satchel, bird napkins and pouch. would love, love, love to have these lovely items! have a happy birthday weekend. :)

  155. Happy Birthday!! I'l be spending my weekend walkin' around beautiful Greenlake here in Seattle. It may be gray outside, but it's worth it! Beautiful giveaway, thank you!

  156. WOOF WOOF WOOF + many more (birthday's that is).... I am 4, 28 in human years.
    Tail Wags for a GREAT DAY.

  157. Love your work.
    It's my birthday this weekend too!
    Have a great one.

  158. happy birthday! lovely bag, kind of fairy :) love your blog, giving instead of recieving is very nice!

  159. Stunning bag! Happy birthday :)

  160. These works inspire me; as a fine arts student myself, it excites me to see such successful works!

  161. I love new napkins and a good bag is always appreciated. My in-laws are going to be visiting from Hawaii to see their new grand daughter for the first time since she was born. It will be a great weekend!

  162. hey ho,
    i m goinig to stay at the lake...
    looking forward to it :)
    and: i love your design! Very cute pouch and bird napkin!!

  163. Hope you have a great birthday!

    Thanks for the giveaway :O)

  164. Those are beautiful. Pick me!

  165. Oh my! I never did realize Bookhou was responsible for both the flock mobile and lovely printed textiles. Your work is truly lovely :)

    (And a shout out to TO! Hope you're not spending your birthday there this weekend, I'm surely staying far!)

  166. congrats! Weather is sunny here, so I'll be in our garden

  167. beautiful stuff, lovely giveaway.

  168. Have a lovely birthday. Just watched US lose to Ghana. Too hot here to be outside :(

  169. Oh, how cute! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  170. the design is so wonderful!!!
    I like the clean lines~ like architect drawings~

    and happy belated birthday!!
    I'm kinda late....

  171. I'm spiffing up my garden, cleaning up for a visit from my mom, going to brunch and attending a bbq! I hope your birthday is lovely.

  172. love your creations! very talented!

  173. Happy Birthday!!!
    Have a great weekend!
    I'll be baking while crossing my fingers in hopes of winning such a lovely bag

  174. oh,
    i love it ! , just got one of your triangle towel as a gift, its perfect!
    this bag is the perfect summer bag!

  175. I love your shop! I'm so glad I've found it. I'd love to win this beautiful bad and napkins!

    This weekend we're wallpapering our bedroom with some beautiful purple ferm living paper! Hope you have a lovely one as well xo

  176. I love all of these things! I hope I win! I hope you have a very happy birthday!

  177. Oh my that bag is adorable and I would love to sport it all summer long! <3Michelle

  178. the new design is lovely! like an infinite piano!

  179. Happy b-day!! I love your work! :D

  180. thank you for making such kind and beautiful things!


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