Yesterday was the last day of the OOAK show - thanks to all that came and supported handmade. Last night was the take down for the show and it took us 35 minutes to dismantle our booth and load up our dolly, but it took my father-in-law nearly two hours to get through the line up to get our stuff out. I was starving so I took the street car home and had dinner while john and his dad loaded up the car. I'm one of those people who can't sleep if there is a bunch of things to do- so at 10pm I unloaded all the show stuff - cleaned up the studio and shop and did laundry. I woke up early this morning to go to Havergal and was back at 1pm ready to sew and print a whole lot of tea towels for outstanding wholesale orders. And all of a sudden it hit me that I was exhausted. So I took piper upstairs and we cuddled in bed for about an hour and we both fell asleep for three hours. Boy did I need a nap. Now I'm off to sew and print tea towels - losing time isn't great, but sometimes you need to re-energize.

above image from all over print
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